From title sequences to intricate animated stories, the following works are a showcase of After Effects-produced video created for the editorial team of the streaming site Fandor between 2016-2021

“What If: Green Tech” (Indiegogo)

Indiegogo Ident

Innovation Tri-Valley Organization Ident

Himalaya “Audio Alternative” Campaign (2020)

When David Lynch Met George Lucas

The Art of iPhone Cinema

If You Like: Call Me By Your Name

Color By Numbers: Boogie Nights

What’s The Film: 2017 Movie Anniversaries

Women In Film: Milena Canonero

Stephen King’s Three Levels of Horror

Himalaya “Out of the Shadows” Podcast Ad

Himalaya “Ghosted!” Podcast Ad


editorial video

Although originally an in-house content creator at Fandor, the shift to Editorial Director required a number of developments with the stylistic approaches of video content companywide – including introducing voiceover narration and developing strategies to create work that was both accessible and entertaining for a broad audience across social media and other platforms.

Barry Jenkins Before Moonlight

Location Scout: The Bradbury Building

Primer: La La Land

The Gush: Nicole Kidman

It’s A Roald Dahl World After All

The Influence of Maya Deren

Women In Film: Lucille Ball


branding & marketing

Animated Fandor Logo, 2018

Fandor B2B Promotional Sizzle

“Restorations” Spotlight 30-Second Sizzle Video

2018 Pride Month Promotional Video